
Najstarija od tri trke za triplu krunu
je prvi put istr�ana 19.juna 1868na hipodromu Jerome
Park (�udnog oblika za ameri�ke prilike, sa tri
krivine). Pobednica je bila omica Ruthless koja je
odnela prvu nagradu od $1.850, nadma�iv�i DeCourcey za
glavu. Jedini prekid kada nije tr�an Belmont Stakes je
bio u periodu 1911-1912. Smatra se za najve�i ispit
trogodaca, kako distanca 2.400m nije tipi�na za SAD.
Nekada je tr�ana i na du�oj distanci: 2.600m do 1873. Od 1890
varira od 1.800m do 2.200m. Kona�no, 1926. se
ustanovljava na 2.400m kada je pobedio Cruisader (sin
legendarnog Man o' War-a koji je dao osvaja�a triple
krune War Admiral-a>>)
u vremenu 2:32.2.
Belmont se smatra mestom finalne predstave i odluke
ulaska grla u istoriju (can make or break a Triple Crown
champion) i taj renome je opravdao tokom godina: 1943.
Count Fleet>>
do nogu tu�e rivae sa 25 du�ina; 1973. Secretariat posle
25 godina upisuje ime novog osvaja�a triple krune
neprevazi�enom pobedom od 31 du�ine i u rekornom
vremenu, koji opstaje do danas; 1978. poslednji do danas
osvaja� triple krune Affirmed>>
u ve� epskoj borbi i tr�anjem glava-glava poslednju
milju sa Alydar-om uvodi u istoriju i sebe i svog
On the
road with Smarty Jones
Bill Finley
The mini-mob of fans, television and print
reporters, not to mention the four helicopters
hovering overhead, has assembled outside the
backstretch gates at Philadelphia Park and is ready
to spring into action. Any minute now, the great
horse will leave the building known reverently as
"The Pha" and I, armed with a notebook, tape
recorder and a full tank of gas that cost $38
freaking dollars, am primed for action.
The van carrying the great horse exits the gates,
which means it's time for a dead sprint to my car.
No more interviewing John Q. Public/Racing Fan, I
must follow that horse.
The line following the four-footed equine royalty is
quite long, but I am not discouraged. I cut brazenly
in front of another car and secure a spot just two
cars behind the van carrying this wonderful being.
Just one problem...I have cut off a cop.
The single most menacing human being I have ever
seen in my life--bald guy, ugly, 18-inch scar across
the top of his head--steps out of his car, glares
and pulls me over. "Mister, you just cut off a cop,"
he snarls. "I'll make sure you don't follow that
horse now." This guy makes murderers want their
My head is swirling. Three minutes into the
assignment and I am doomed. What do I tell the
office? How can I explain such failure? Wait,
Smarty, wait. Then again, what about the menacing
cop? What exactly is the penal system in Bensalem,
156673346: What are you in for?
Obstructing a police officer during the
transportation of a horse.
156673346: You disgust me.
Menacing cop gets tired of playing with me and let's
me go. Probably has some serious criminals to go
slap around. Driver, follow that horse.
Unbelievable. I have caught the magnificent beast,
thanks in large part to the slowest police escort in
recorded history. Led by three motorcycle cops, the
procession heads up Route 1 and on to the
Pennsylvania Turnpike. They are going 40 miles per
hour and have blocked off the left lane so that
nobody dare pass the esteemed thoroughbred. Keep
this up and traffic will be backed up to North
The four helicopters are still hovering over head,
capturing every thrilling moment of a white horse
van inching its way east on the Pa. Pike. We have
just passed a billboard reading, "Look out New York,
Smarty's Coming." The sirens are blaring. Five car
loads of reporters, myself included, are following
every move. The readers have a right to know: if
they stop for lunch, will it be McDonald's Or Burger
King?...will stable foreman Bill Foster require a
restroom break?...does the van take regular or high
Then again,
does anyone realize he is, dare I say it, just a
horse? Blasphemous as this may sound, is this or is
this not a little silly.
Who says New Jersey isn't a great place? The
Bensalem cops hand the chestnut god off to two New
Jersey State Police patrol cars who will take him
the bulk of the journey up the Jersey Turnpike, the
world's smelliest road. They actually go the speed
limit of 65 and let cars pass on the left. We might
get to Belmont before Friday just yet.
Things have settled down. There's just one
helicopter over head. Channel 104 has the exclusive:
Smarty Jones has made it to the Garden State.
Blood-Horse writer Steve Haskin, gallantly keeping
up the chase himself, breaks down. No kidding. He
comes to a sudden halt in the left lane, with me
right behind him. It was just like a horse race. I
had to check, take up sharply and alter course. With
Daily Racing Form photographer Mike Marten riding
shotgun, Haskin veers his SUV across three lanes
over into the breakdown lane as dozens of irate
motorists say awful things about his mother. Should
I stop to help him or continue the chase?
Steve who?
Jay Hovdey from the Racing Form is an animal. Hovdey
was the only guy not smart enough to bring along an
EZ Pass (yes, Smarty uses EZ Pass). That means he
can either run the tolls and keep up with the
fleet-footed one or wait in interminable toll lines
and risk losing him. Heading off the Jersey Turnpike
on the way to the George Washington Bridge, Hovdey
runs his eighth toll of the trip.
New Jersey's finest hand Pegasus off to two New York
State Troopers and a NYPD patrol car on the George
Washington Bridge. They elect to go straight and
stay on the Cross Bronx Expressway. Are they mad?
The Cross Bronx hasn't been clear of traffic since
1985. Yet, there's not an obstruction in his sight.
He flies across the Cross Bronx in no time. This
horse is truly blessed.
After exiting on Hillside, the van takes a right on
Springfield. I don't make the light. One hundred
miles into the trip, I can't be stopped now. Oh,
fudge. No red light will stop me.
Having committed still another crime in order to
follow a small van carrying an animal for 105 miles
for reasons I still don't fully understand, I have
rejoined the procession.
A left on Hempstead. Belmont is just ahead.
Smarty Jones has arrived safe and sound at Belmont
Park, with this reporter just three car lengths
behind. Hallelujah. |
Odbijen je zahtev
Valenzuele za dozvolu jahanja u Belmont Stakes.
Najverovatnije Alex Solis u sedlu Rock Hard Ten (dobio
sa Pleasantly Perfect "Breeders' Cup Classic" i
"Dubai World Cup").
Workouts (1.000m):
Eddington 0:59.0 / Royal
Assault 1.01.2
Rock Hard Ten 0:59.0 / Purge 1.01.6
Trenutna cena otkupa Smarty Jones-a
za priplod je oko $30M, uz klauzulu da �e tr�ati i kao
Smary Jones i predstoje�a trka u o�ima onih koji su
osvojili tri poslednje triple krune...
Penny Chenery, vlasnica
"The world loves a winner, I want to be at Belmont.
Everybody wants to be there to see if he can do it. It's
an electric atmosphere all day with the build up. For
non-racing people, it's a happening; for horse racing
people, it's the second coming. It's a time when we want
to feel good about something. He's (Smarty Jones) very
appealing; he's easy to love. I had a red horse in blue
and white colors and their horse is a red horse in blue
and white colors."
In comparing Smarty Jones to the other 11 winners of
the Triple Crown, if he wins the Belmont,
and wins it with style, then he deserves to be named
with any of them"
"It changes you forever because you instantly become
associated with your horse," Chenery said. "It is
something special for you, but also for other people.
You have to be prepared to share that moment with
John Turcotte, jaha�
"I look for him to just gallop. I think he's 25 lengths
better than the other 3-year-olds. He has a tremendous
advantage. He has a trainer who is committed. The only
thing that can stop him is that if he hurts himself or
he's unable to get in the clear. I would give Stewart
Elliott the same advice that (trainer) Lucien Lauren
gave me in the paddock. Get up there and do your best. I
rode Secretariat in most of his races and knew him well.
Elliott has done the same thing. I'd tell him to play it
by ear"
Seattle Slew
Mickey Taylor, vlasnik
"But the
mystique of Smarty Jones is that he's undefeated. That
adds a little extra pizzazz." While Seattle Slew is the
only undefeated winner of the Triple Crown, Taylor said
he wouldn't mind amending that statement to "first
undefeated winner of the Triple Crown."
Karen Taylor, vlasnica
Jones has a cute name, and he loves to run and has
speed. Because of the Internet, it makes more exciting
for the fans, especially the kids.""It's important
during the Triple Crown to have fun, but you have to
take care of your horse and realize what a special
animal you have."
Jean Cruget, jaha�
"All you
have to do is guide him, Smarty Jones is quick to get
into the race. It looks like it only takes him two or
three jumps to get into the race. He has a similar
running style to Seattle Slew. "You only ride (the
Belmont distance of) 1 1/2 miles maybe once a year, and
it can be tough. If they go (a half) in :49 early, he
can be OK, but if he goes in :47, then it's going to be
a long way around there."
Steve Cauthen, jaha�
"I can see him blowing the field away,
I feel good about the Smarty Jones team. It takes
a great team. You need to have confidence in each other
going into that last race. Apparently they're gelling
together and are on the same page."
"The most important factor is to get the horse settled
in the first half-mile or five-eighths of a mile.
After that, they'll be no excuses. If he can get
Smarty Jones to relax, at any point in the race, then
they're (opponents) in trouble.
"After the
Arkansas Derby (gr. II), when I watched the race again,
I thought to myself that if I could ride any horse in
this year's Derby, it'd be Smarty Jones.
"From what
I've seen, Smarty Jones is a push-button horse. When he
broke from the gate in the Preakness, it looked like he
was going to go six furlongs. He reminded me of
Affirmed, pricking his ears all the way down the
stretch...but Affirmed had Alydar breathing down his
"I've been
impressed with how Elliott and (trainer John) Servis
have handled the situation, working as a team."
"In a funny
sort of way, you have to ride these three races like
they are just any other races,
The Belmont is tough. Once you get on the horse in the
paddock, you can focus and go out and get the job done."
give the next $5 million to make Smarty Jones the most
award-winning Thoroughbred in the history of the
industry," Carl Pascarella,
predsednik Visa "This is
not just about Visa and the Visa Triple Crown. It's
about Thoroughbred racing. I think it's about America.
It's just such a great time to be part of this right
now. I think this is the real deal. I think this is the
time to really write the check. It's one payment Visa
really, really wants to make."
li kona�no biti dodeljen VISA trofej (na slici ispod) uz
koji sledi i bonus od $5M? Smarty
Jones ima priliku da bude tek dvanaesto grlo koje bi
osvojilo triplu krunu, jedini posle Seattle Slew-a>>
koji je to u�inio nepora�en, a i dospeo bi na vrh liste
zarade svih vremena i to sa devet tr�anja.
Koliko je te�ko dobiti tre�u trku
na najdu�oj stazi u SAD govori duga�ka lista slavnih
imena koja je poklekla u samoj zavr�nici...
1,2... ne i 3
Kentucky Derby &
Preakness Stakes |
Belmont Stakes
(plasman) pobednik |
2003 Funny Cide |
(3) Empire Maker |
2002 War
Emblem |
(8) Sarava |
1999 Charismatic |
(3) Lemon Drop Kid |
1998 Real
Quiet |
Victory Gallop |
1997 Silver Charm |
(2) Touch Gold |
1989 Sunday
Silence |
(2) Easy Goer |
1987 Alysheba |
(4) Bet Twice |
1981 Pleasant
Colony |
(3) Summing |
1979 Spectacular Bid |
(3) Coastal |
1971 Canonero
II |
(4) Pass
Catcher |
1969 Majestic Prince |
(2) Arts and Letters |
1968 Forward
Pass* |
(2) Stage Door
Johnny |
1966 Kauai King |
(4) Amberoid |
1964 Northern
Dancer |
(3) Quadrangle |
1961 Carry Back |
(7) Sherluck |
1958 Tim Tam |
(2) Cavan |
1944 Pensive |
(2) Bounding Home |
1936 Bold
Venture |
(-) Granville |
1932 Burgoo King |
(-) Faireno |
* Forward Pass je dobio Kentucky
Derby diskvalifikacijom
(-) grla Bold Venture i Burgoo King nisu startovala u
Smarty Jones
2004: 6 6-0-0 $7,333,535
karijera: 8 8-0-0 $7,383,155
15.05 Preakness (Pimlico Race Course) (1.900m) 1:55.40 111/2
Smarty Jones - Rock Hard Ten - Eddington
01.05 Kentucky Derby (Churchill Downs) (2.000m) 2:04.06 2 3/4
Smarty Jones - Lion Heart - Imperialism
10.04 Arkansas Derby (Oaklawn Park) (1.800m) 1:49.41 1 1/2
Smarty Jones - Borrego - Pro Prado
20.03 Rebel Stakes (Oaklawn Park) (1.700m) 1:42.07 3 1/4
Smarty Jones - Purge - Pro Prado
28.02 The Southwest (Oaklawn Park) (1 milja) 1:37.57 3/4
Smarty Jones - Two Down Automatic - Pro Prado
03.01 Count Fleet Stakes (Aqueduct) (1 mile, 70 yds) 1:41.42 5
Smarty Jones - Risky Trick - Mr. Spock
22.11 Pennsylvania Nursery Stakes (Philadelphia Park) (1.400m)
Smarty Jones - Salty Punch - Isle of Mirth 1:21.88 15
09.11 Maiden Race (Philadelphia Park) (1.200m) 1:11.00 7 3/4
Smarty Jones - Deputy Rummy - Speedwell Beau
vlasnik �tale "Someday Farm" �iji pulen
Smarty Jones je u centru pa�nje, ina�e i zastupnik
Forda, najavljuje da je mogu�e da �e modeli "Ford
Mustang" koji budu u njegovoj prodaji kao za�titni znak
umesto mustanga imati lik "Pametnjakovi�a"...
frankly, I think we already did (win the championship),"
John Servis "When
we won the Derby, to me that's the championship, and the
Triple Crown is icing on the cake. If we get that done,
then that's an added dimension. Just the fact that we
won the Kentucky Derby, that was the main goal since
early January. That was the big race for us."
osvaja�i triple krune>>
do sada su imali bar jedan start na Belmontu pre
odlu�uju�e trke. Devet od njih jedanaest je pobedilo,
dok su samo Gallant Fox i Omaha
bili drugoplasirani u prethodnom tr�anju na ovoj stazi.
Ne i Smarty Jones. On nikada ranije nije tr�ao na ovoj
brzoj ovalnoj stazi. Legendarni trener Woody
Stephens koji ima pet uzastopnih pobeda
u ovoj trci ima obi�aj da ka�e: "Oni soliteri umeju biti
prokleto visoki kada pre�ete reku Hudson". Ali mnogi ne
misle tako...
Bob Baffert "Smarty
Jones is a "freak of nature" who
does not know how to lose. I feel
like I won the Triple Crown with Real Quiet, I just
didn't get paid for it. Having a
race over the track has nothing to do with it. You just
need a really good horse, a lot of luck, and for the
competition to slacken."
Jerry Bailey
"That's interesting, but I don't buy into it at
all. There are far more important
factors that would have a play. What kind of condition
is he in after the first two? And in my mind, the
distance is always an obstacle. But Smarty Jones has
already overcome that. He's outrun his pedigree, and who
in there can beat him? The only horse I can think of who
looked as unbeatable as Smarty Jones [going for the
sweep] was Spectacular Bid. If
Smarty Jones runs like he's been running, nobody beats
him. He's run over all kinds of surfaces. He's not a
horse that needs to take his track with him."
Bobby Frankel "Seattle Slew
used to get hot if somebody got too close to him. This
colt, nothing bothers him. Secretariat, he didn't like
an off track, he got beat a couple of times on an off
track. The horse he reminds me the most of is
Spectacular Bid, because Spectacular Bid was like that:
he'd rate, he'd go to the lead, he'd handle any
$9,999,815 / Skip Away $9,616,360
/ Silver Charm $6,944,369
Smarty Jones ima
�ansu da do�e na vrh liste po zaradi
svih vremena u smo devet startova...
Ukoliko Smarty Jones dobije Belmont Stakes,
glavna ulica pokraj hipodroma u
Filadelfiji �e biti preimenovana u "Smarty Jones
Belmont Park subota 22.maj
$200,000 "Peter Pan
Stakes" 1.800m
(priprema za Belmont Stakes)
1.Purge (R.Velasquez) 1:47.89 63/4d 3.4
2.Swing for the Fences (S.Bridgmohan) 13/4d
3.Master David (A.Solis)
4.Pies Prospect (J.Castellano)
5.Intimidator 6.Zakocity 7.FriendsLake 8.SinisterG
9.Consecrate 10.WildWadi
dubl po redu 19.1 /
triling po redu 52.0
Purge je u prethodna dva
starta sa Smarty-jem bio 2.(Rebel Stakes) i 5.(Arkansas
Derby). ``We thought we had a good chance
today,'' trener Todd
Pletcher``Part of the key was that we weren't
being chased by Smarty Jones. We didn't really plan on
running in the Belmont, so we'll play it by ear. I would
say that anything is a possibility.''
Kako su
dobijali i gubili...
Funny Cide (2003)
Trener: Barclay Tagg
7.jun Belmont Stakes -- Samo 5 protivnika, me�u
kojima i Empire Maker(KyDerby - 2) koji je i
dobio trku.Funny Cide je stigao
tre�i. Empire Maker je propustio
Preakness posle drugog mesta u derbiju i
kasnije se potvrdilo ozledom kopita koja je i bila uzrok
povla�enja iz trka na kraju sezone.
Workouts June 3 Bel 5f :57
4/5 --- May 28 Bel 5f :59 2/5
War Emblem (2002)
Trener: Bob Baffert
8.jun Belmont Stakes -- Sarava,
pobednik "Sir
Barton Stakes" na
dan Preakness-a,
iznenadio pobedom
i kvotom 70-1 sve na Belmont-u.
War Emblem se spotakao na startu i
tek osmi, �to je najlo�iji plasman svih
pobednika Derby/Preakness u
Belmont Stakes.
Workouts June 4 CD 5f 1:01
--- May 29 CD 5f 1:00 3/5
Charismatic (1999)
Trener: D. Wayne Lukas
5.jun Belmont Stakes --
Charismatic tek tre�i,pobednik je bio
Lemon Drop Kid. Pokojni Chris
Antley je po prolasku u cilj sko�io iz sedla i podigav�i
nogu spasio Charismatic-a. Faktura obe kosti prednje
leve noge je bila tajna naglog popu�tanja u pravcu
nesu�enog osvaja�a triple krune.
Workouts June 1 CD 5f 1:00
2/5 --- May 25 CD 6f 1:16 2/5
Real Quiet (1998)
Trener: Bob Baffert
6.jun Belmont Stakes --
Iako je imao prednost od 4 du�ine na
ulasku u pravac, Real Quiet je
izgubio za nju�ku od upornog i drugoplasiranog
u prethodne dve trke
Derby/Preakness, Victory Gallop-a
Workouts June 2 CD 5f 1:01
--- May 28 CD 5f :59 4/5
Silver Charm (1997)
Trener: Bob Baffert
7.jun Belmont Stakes -- Touch
Gold, koji je imao o�ajan start u
Preakness-u, bio
je za 3/4d bolji od Silver Charm-a.
Ina�e, ovaj zekan koji je umalo dobio triplu krunu je
ve�inu trka dobijao ili gubio sa jako malim marginama.
Workouts June 3 CD 5f 1:01
--- May 28 CD 6f 1:14 4/5
Sunday Silence (1989)
Trener: Charlie Whittingham
10.jun Belmont Stakes -- Sunday
Silence ni�ta nije mogao protiv
drugoplasiranog u Derby/Preakness,
Easy Goer -a.
Workouts June 6 Bel 3f :37
--- June 3 Bel 8f 1:39 3/5 ---
May 26 Bel 3f :37 2/5
Alysheba (1987)
Trener: Jack Van Berg
6.jun Belmont Stakes -- Bet
Twice, drugoplasiranu Derby/Preakness,
nadmo�no sa 14ddobija
trku, Alysheba (4).
Workouts May 31 Bel 8f
1:44 --- May 25 Bel 8f 1:41 3/5
Pleasant Colony (1981)
Trener: John Campo
6. Belmont Stakes -- Pleasant
Colony rtre�i iza Summing-a,
koji je potvrdio da je njegovo vreme u
radu na milju od 1:37.9 za
respekt te nedelje na Belmontu.
Workouts June 3 Bel 4f :46
1/5 --- May 30 Bel 8f 1:39 2/5
--- May 24 Bel 5f :59 4/5
Spectacular Bid (1979)
Trener: Bud Delp
9.jun Belmont Stakes --
Spectacular Bid, koga su misteriozna
�ioda u kopitu pre trke, kao i o�ajno jahanje u samoj
trci omeli da dobije i Belmont,
bio je tek tre�i. Pobednik
Coastal, je bio impresivan u
pobedi od 13d u
"Peter Pan Stakes"
pre ove trke.
Workouts June 8 Bel 3f :34
1/5 --- June 4 Bel 8f 1:39
--- May 31 Pim 7f 1:26
Affirmed (1978)
Triple Crown Winner
Trener: Lazaro Barrera
10.jun Belmont Stakes --
Trka u kojoj je Affirmed
bio za nju�ku bolji od Derby/Preakness
drugoplasiranog Alydar-a
smatra se najboljom trkom u istoriji Belmont Stakes-a.
Workouts June 7 Bel 5f
1:01 --- June 1 Bel 8f 1:40 1/5
Seattle Slew (1977)
Triple Crown Winner
Trener: Billy Turner
11.jun Belmont Stakes --
Prvi nepora�en osvaja� triple krune je
ovom pobedom od 4 du�ine do�ao do broja devet.
June 10 Bel 3f :35 4/5
June 7 Bel 6f 1:11 3/5
June 2 Bel 8f 1:38 2/5
Secretariat (1973)
Triple Crown Winner
Trener: Lucien Laurin
9.jun Belmont Stakes --
Durbin je bio od pomo�i kada je
Secretariat dobio Belmont
sa 31 du�inom u
rekordnom vremenu 2:24 koje je i
danas rekord distance. On je ujedno i prvi osvaja�
triple krune posle 1948. kada je to uspelo
Workouts June 6 Bel 4f :46
3/5 --- June 1 Bel 8f 1:34 4/5
--- May 27 Bel 6f 1:12 1/5
Canonero II (1971)
Trener: Juan Arias
5.jun Belmont Stakes -- Canonero
je rano poveo, ali je na kraju bio tek
�etvrti. Pobednik autsajder Pass Catcher.
Workouts June 2 Bel 5f
1:04 --- May 26 Bel 4f :53 2/5
Majestic Prince (1969)
Trener John Longden
7.jun Belmont Stakes -- Majestic Prince nije izdr�ao
pritisak drugoplasiranog u
Derby/Preakness, Arts and
Letters, koji je imao dovoljno snage
da dobije i "Metropolitan
Handicap" izme�u
Preakness-a i
Workouts June 5 Bel 4f :45
4/5 --- June 1 Bel 9f 1:51 4/5
--- May 27 Bel 5f :58 2/5
Svi osvaja�i triple krune>>
do sada su imali bar jedan start na Belmontu pre
odlu�uju�e trke. Devet od njih jedanaest je pobedilo,
dok su samo Gallant Fox i Omaha bili drugoplasirani u
prethodnom tr�anju na ovoj stazi. Ne i Smarty Jones. On
nikada ranije nije tr�ao na ovoj brzoj ovalnoj stazi.
Legendarni trener
Woody Stephens koji ima
pet uzastopnih pobeda u ovoj trci ima obi�aj da ka�e:
"Oni soliteri umeju biti prokleto visoki kada pre�ete
reku Hudson". Ali mnogi ne misle tako...
Bob Baffert "Smarty Jones is
a "freak of nature" who does not know how to
lose. I feel like I won the
Triple Crown with Real Quiet, I just didn't get paid for
it. Having a race over the track
has nothing to do with it. You just need a really good
horse, a lot of luck, and for the competition to
Jerry Bailey "That's interesting, but I don't
buy into it at all. There are far
more important factors that would have a play. What kind
of condition is he in after the first two? And in my
mind, the distance is always an obstacle. But Smarty
Jones has already overcome that. He's outrun his
pedigree, and who in there can beat him? The only horse
I can think of who looked as unbeatable as Smarty Jones
[going for the sweep] was Spectacular Bid.
If Smarty Jones runs like he's been running,
nobody beats him. He's run over all kinds of surfaces.
He's not a horse that needs to take his track with him."
Bobby Frankel "Seattle Slew used to get hot
if somebody got too close to him. This colt, nothing
bothers him. Secretariat, he didn't like an off track,
he got beat a couple of times on an off track. The horse
he reminds me the most of is Spectacular Bid, because
Spectacular Bid was like that: he'd rate, he'd go to the
lead, he'd handle any surface."
"He looked
like a superstar," Bobby Frankel, trener Empire
Maker-a koji je pro�le godine osujetio
Funny Cide u osvajanju triple krune "He
looks like a cinch in the Belmont unless something goes
wrong. He likes an off track. He likes a fast track.
He's always in the race and doesn't need anyone to set
the pace for him. He's a complete horse."
"The more
he races, the more he seems to be turning into a
champion," Steve Cauthen,
d�okej koji je sa Affirmed-om 1978 osvojio poslednju
triplu krunu "He takes it all in, and is
improving mentally and physically with each race.
There's no rhyme or reason to why they are so
special. All the great horses,
they are a gift from above. You still need good fortune,
but Smarty Jones is looking like he could be the horse."
intriguing part of Smarty Jones is we don't feel like
we've seen the bottom of him," Penny Chenery,
vlasnica Secretariat-a koji je 1973 osvojio triplu krunu
rekordnom pobedom u Belmonu od 31 du�ine
"He seems to have limitless ability."

Smarty Jones je posle Spectacular Bid-a 1979
koji je dobio KyDerby i Preakness kao favorit. Uz to je
i nadma�io najve�u marginu od 10d u cilju koju je do
sada dr�ao Survivor jo� od 1873. U poslednjih osam
godina, �est grla je dobilo prve dve trke za triplu
krunu (Silver Charm 97, Real Quiet 98, Charismatic 99,
War Emblem 02, Funny Cide 03, Smarty Jones 04) ali je
Smarty imao najmanju kvotu (1.7) na kladionici od svih.
Ide Belmont...
Hipodrom Pimlico, Baltimore je otvoren 1870 na
inicijativu guvernera Merilenda Oden Bowiea
kada je i nastupio Preakness, prvo
veliko ime tada�njeg galopa SAD koje je potr�alo na ovoj
stazi. Preakness Stakes je ustanovljen 1873, dve godine
pre nego je Lewis M.Clark postavio Kentucky Derby u
trka�ki kalendar i prvobitna distanca je bila 2.400m.
Potom je smanjena na 1.800m da bi od 1920 zadr�ana na
1.900m. Neko vreme je tr�an na Gravesend hipodromu,
Brooklyn (15 godina). 1909 trka je vra�ena u Pimlico.
Tako�e, 20-tih i po�etkom 30-ih godina 20.veka,
Preakness se tr�ao pre KyDerby-ja, a zatim se tr�ao samo
nedelju dana posle trke ru�a. sada�nji raspored na dve
nedelje datira od po�etka 40-ih godina.
$1,000,000 "Preakness Stakes" 1.900m
1. Smarty Jones (S.Elliott) 1:55.59
111/2d 1.7
2. Rock Hard Ten (G.Stevens)
3. Eddington (J.Bailey)
4. Lion Heart (M.Smith)
6.SirShackleton 7.Borrego
9.SongoftheSword 10.WaterCannon
dubl po redu
12.3 /
triling po redu
hipo kare po redu
Preakness 129 Field
Purse: $1,000,000 added; 1 3/16 miles |
Post |
Horse |
Jockey |
Trainer |
M/L Odds |
1. |
Lion Heart |
M. Smith |
P. Biancone |
3-1 |
2. |
Borrego |
V. Espinoza |
B. Greely |
15-1 |
3. |
Little Matth Man |
R. Migliore |
M. Ciresa |
50-1 |
4. |
The Cliff's Edge
S. Sellers |
N. Zito |
8-1 |
5. |
Song of the Sword |
J. Chavez |
J. Pedersen |
30-1 |
6. |
Sir Shackleton |
R. Bejarano |
N. Zito |
30-1 |
7. |
Smarty Jones |
S. Elliott |
J. Servis |
8-5 |
8. |
Imperialism |
K. Desormeaux |
K. Mulhall |
5-1 |
9. |
Eddington |
J. Bailey |
M. Hennig |
8-1 |
10. |
Rock Hard Ten |
G. Stevens |
J. Orman |
6-1 |
11. |
Water Cannon |
R. Fogelsonger |
L. Albert |
30-1 |
st.b pobeda poslednji pobednik
---- -------
1 9
1994 - Tabasco Cat
2 11
1986 - Snow Chief
3 11
1993 - Prairie Bayou
4 12
2000 - Red Bullet
5 10
1976 - Elocutionist
6 14
1999 - Charismatic
7 11
1997 - Silver Charm
8 9
2002 - War Emblem
9 3
2003 - Funny Cide
10 2
1998 - Real Quiet
11 2
2001 - Point Given
12 2
1981 - Pleasant Colony
* 1918. Preakness je imao dva tr�anja
Sude�i po treneru Servisu,
nismo uzalud kao najve�e favorite uz prva tri iz derbija
predstavili upravo grla Eddington i Rock Hard Ten...
``When my
horse goes to make his move, I think Rock Hard Ten and
Eddington will move, too,'' trener Smarty Jones-a, John Servis
``Instead of one horse, Lion Heart will
have three or four chasing him.'The last thing I want is
for my horse to go too soon,''
``We play to win, obviously,''
trener Lion Heart-a, Biancone ``I know
it's going to be very difficult to beat Smarty Jones,
but we are going to try. If we do it, well done. If we
cannot, we cannot. You cannot punish your horse because
another one is better than him.''
``When my
horse goes to make his move, I think Rock Hard Ten and
Eddington will move, too,'' trener Smarty Jones-a, John Servis
``Instead of one horse, Lion Heart will have
three or four chasing him.'The last thing I want is for
my horse to go too soon,''
We've had a lot of luck with number
seven," trener Smarty Jones-a, John Servis
Otac Smarty-ja, Elusive Quality je sa iste
startne pozicije dobio u svoje vreme Rebel Stakes, a i
Smarty je do sada nanizao sedam pobeda...
"We may surprise some people,"
trener Lion Heart-a, Biancone"I took post one
because we want to be on the inside. We're happy with
the draw. If we had gone first we still would have taken
Post 1."
"We're ready for Saturday," trener
Eddington-a, Mark Henning"He's been anxious. He
was ready to run two weeks ago, and since then we've
tried to keep him on an even keel. We opened his
blinkers just a touch for this race.
Preakness workouts
Song of the Sword 1:01.8
Little Matth Man
800m / 0:59.4
Rock Hard Ten
800m / 0:59.2
Sir Shackleton
0:59.2 1.000m
The Cliff's Edge
Imperialism (Langfuhr--Bodhavista/Pass
the Tab) je u fini�u San Rafael Stakes
osetio slast pobede nad Lion Heart-om u poslednjim
metrima. U derbiju je kasno "uhvatio tlo pod nogama" na
te�koj stazi i sa 17. do�ao na tre�e mesto. Ovoga puta
�e biti manja gu�va na stazi, a i startuje tik uz prvog
favorita Smarty-ja. Jak, borac u fini�u, ima jednu
veliku trku vi�e kao iskustvo. Tu je i veliki d�okej
Kent Desormeaux.
InBreeding 3x4 Northern Dancer,
4x4x5 Nearctic, 4x5
Natalma, 5x5 Nearco, 5x5 *Lady Angela
Dosage 3.00
2003 2.--Mecke S. 3.--Foolish Pleasure S.
2004 1.--San Rafael S. (G2) 1.--San Vicente S. (G2)
2.--Santa Anita Derby (G1) 3.--Kentucky Derby (G1)
st |
I |
II |
zarada |
2003 |
11 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
$74,605 |
2004 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
$448,000 |
Lion Heart (Tale of the Cat - Satin Sunrise /
Mr.Leader) veoma brz, mo�da i najbr�i od svih trogodaca
koji su konkurisali za KyDerby. Na�e podse�anje da ga
"hvataju" u poslednjim metrima na distancama od 1.800m
se potvrdilo i u derbiju na 2.000m. Ipak, sr�anog borca
konstantna forma i malo kra�a staza ovoga puta 1.900m dr�i u vrhu favorita za Preakness. Ono malo �to
nedostaje kada je najte�e mo�da kona�no prona�e 15.maja.
3x5 Hail to Reason //
Dosage 3.00
1.--Hollywood Futurity (G1)
1.--Hollywood Prevue S. (G3)
2.--Kentucky Derby (G1)
2.--Blue Grass S. (G1)
2.--San Rafael S. (G2)
st |
I |
II |
zarada |
2003 |
3 |
3 |
0 |
0 |
$310,800 |
2004 |
3 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
$360,000 |
sin Unbridled-a (KyDerby 1990) plasiran u svih 6
startova sti�e u Pimlico. U sedlu �e biti Jerry Bailey
koji ima dve pobede u Preakness-u (Hansel
1991, Red Bullet 2000)
i �iji je prvi izbor za trku ru�a bio upravo Eddington
(poslednji plasman "Wood Memorial" III mesto; za 1/2d
ispred su bili Tapit i Master David). �Everything with the
horse is okay, he is definitely doing well,� trener
Mark Hennig. �He will do his usual routine today
(Tuesday) and go out for a mile and three-quarters
gallop.� InBreeding 5x5
5x5 Somethingroyal //
Dosage 1.92
st |
I |
II |
zarada |
2003 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
$9,200 |
2004 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
$140,360 |
Rock Hard Ten(Kris
jedan je od najinteresantnijih u�esnika. Privukao je
pa�nju istr�av�i 101 u svom prvom startu u Santa Aniti.
Formu je ponovio sa 99 i u drugom startu i pobedi. U
tre�em startu bio je drugi iza Castledale u "Santa Anita
Derby"-ju ali je distanciran na tre�e mesto zbog
ometanja Imperialism-a. Ovo se pokazalo fatalnim za
ulazak u prvih 20 za derbi. U sedlu �e biti Gary Stevens
koji ga je jahao u prve dve pobede i koji posebno za ovu
priliku dolazi iz Francuske gde ja�e ove sezone. InBreeding
3x4 Hail to Reason,
4x5 *Turn-to, 4x5 Nothirdchance, 4x4
5x5 to *Nasrullah //
st |
I |
II |
zarada |
2004 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
1 |
$147,600 |
Smarty Jones (Elusive Quality-I'll Get
InBreeding 5x5x5 to Bold Ruler
// Dosage
st |
I I |
II |
zarada |
2004 |
5 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
$6,713,535 |
2003 |
2 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
$49,620 |
Smarty Jones je istr�ao istu formu (107) kao i u
pripremnim trkama "Rebel Stakes" i "Arkansas Derby",
Read the Footnotes("Fountain of Youth" 113) i
Cliff's Edge i Lion Heart("Blue Grass
Hand."111) su tr�ali bolje ove godine, dok je
Pollard's Vision istr�ao istu formu 107 dobiv�i
"Illinois Derby". Ve�ina je u derbiju
Borrego (Kentucky
Derby-83; Arkansas Derby 105)
Castledale (Kentucky Derby-70;
Santa Anita Derby 103)
Friends Lake (Kentucky Derby-54;
Florida Derby 92)
Master David (Kentucky Derby
80-Wood Memorial 97)
Minister Eric (Kentucky
Derby 53-Keeneland allow. 100)
Pollard's Vision (Kentucky Derby
48; Illinois Derby 107)
Pro Prado (Kentucky Derby 78;
Arkansas Derby 102)
Song of the Sword (Kentucky Derby
82; Lexington 97)
Tapit (Kentucky Derby 84; Wood
Memorial 98)
The Cliff's Edge (Kentucky Derby
89; Blue Grass 111)
Jedino grlo koje "nije osetilo" te�ku stazu u fini�u je
Imperialism koji je sa 17.mesta do�ao tre�i. Grla retko
imaju pad forme od 20-30 pa i 50, ne bez razloga. Ovoga
puta jednostavno se ve�ina nije sna�la po veoma te�koj
stazi, a slu�aj je hteo da derbi bude jedna od onih trka
koje su imale te�ke uslove.
Smarty je istr�ao konstantno dobru formu.
Njegova pobeda nije bila slu�aj, niti da to ne mo�e
ponoviti za dve nedelje. Prate�i vremena u brzom radu
pred derbi, Smarty
je imao najbolje vreme. To nije bilo razmetanje. Uz
napomenu da ovoga puta startuju i Eddington(prvi izbor
Bailey-a) i Rock Hard Ten, samo malo nedostaje da Smarty
Jones "napravi siguran posao".
Guverner Pensilvanije Ed Rendell
posetio Smarty Jones-a povodom progla�enja
15.maja za Smarty Jones Day u Pensilvaniji.
Jones prvi put na Philadelphia Park-u na javnom treningu
posle derbija pred velikim brojem gledalaca. Smarty je
poslednji put trenirao na doma�oj stazi
jo� prve nedelje januara, kada ga je bolje poznavala tek
Stewart Elliott dobio licencu za Preakness Stakes!!!
i Jerry Bailey �e kona�no biti u prilici
da poka�u da im je bilo mesta me�u 20 na Churchill
Downs. O�ekuje se njihov siguran nastup u Preakness
Stakes 15.maja
Dan pre Preakness
Stakes u $500,000 "Pimlico Special" Gr-1 o�ekuje
se start: Funny Cide(dobio Preakness pro�le godine sa 93/4d),
Midway Road, Dynever, Southern Image i Evening Attire.
Tip bgturf-a je Southern
Smarty Jones ipak siguran putnik za Baltimor. O�ekivani
starteri su jo� i derbisti LionHeart,
Imperialism, Borrego
uz "novajlije" RockHardTen,
Eddington i WaterCannon. "He's doing great," trener
Smarty-ja, John Servis "I see no reason why we
wouldn't be heading to the Preakness. This story is
great for our industry."
Rock Hard Ten i Eddington najavljeni
za Preakness Stakes.
U poslednjih 50 godina samo �est grla je dobilo
Preakness, a da nisu prethodno startovala u derbiju:
GreekMoney (1962), BeeBeeBee
(1972), Aloma'sRuler (1982), DeputedTestamony(1983)
i RedBullet
(2000). Najpoznatiji pobednik
Preakness-a bez
starta u derbiju je Man o' War(1920).
$500,000 "Pimlico Special" 1.900m
1.Southern Image (V.Espinoza) 1:55.89
2. Midway Road (R.Albarado) 11/4d
3. Bowman's Band (R.Dominguez)
4. Evening Attire (E.Prado)
5. Dynever (C.Nakatani)
6. Ole Faunty (P.Day)
Funny Cide nije
startovao (fav 1.5
uz Dynever)
dubl po redu
/ triling po redu
hipo kare po redu
�esta pobeda u
sedam startova za Southern Image, lak�e nego �to
govori margina od 11/4d. Da
podsetimo da je Southern Image bio i na� tip za ovu
iako su svi o�ekivali revan� Funny Cide i Midway
Road iz pro�logodi�njeg Preakness Stakes, kao i
Dynever-a koji tokom �itave trke nije bio "u igri".
``That was quite a stretch duel,''
d�okej Espinoza ``I
didn't know when we would go by, but I had
confidence we would. I thought I had the best horse
and that's why I didn't want to move too soon.''
1,000 Guineas Stakes
Newmarket Gr-1 1.609m
1 Attraction (K Darley) 11-2
2 Sundrop (K McEvoy) 16-1
3 Hathrah (R Hills) 6-1
16 grla ½l, ½l.
Ultimatebet.com 2,000 Guineas Stakes
Newmarket Gr-1 1.609m
1 Haafhd (R Hills) 11-2
2 Snow Ridge (L Dettori) 8-1
3 Azamour (M Kinane) 25-1
14 grla Dist: 1¾l, 1l.
Kentucky Oaks $572,000
Gr-1 1.800m 3g.
1. Ashado (R.Velasquez) 1:50.8
2. Island Sand (T.J.Thompson)
3. Madcap Escapade (J.Bailey)
5.HollywoodStory 6.A.P.Adventure 7.StellarJayne
8.HouseofFortune 9.LastSong 10.SilentSighs 11.ClassAbove
Kentucky Derby $1,000,000 Gr-1 2.000m 3g.
Jones (S.Elliott) 2:04.6 5.1
trener: John Servis / Someday Farm
2.Lion Heart (M.Smith) 23/4d
3.Imperialism (K.Desormeux) 1d
4.Limehouse (J.Santos)
7.ReadtheFootnotes 8.Birdstone
9.Tapit 10.Borrego
12.MasterDavid 13.ProPrado
14.Castledale 15.FriendsLake
16.Minister Eric
17.Pollard'sVision 18.Quinton'sGoldRush
dubl po redu
32.5 triling po redu
hipo kare po redu 20690.1
Smarty Jones
(Elusive Quality - I'll Get Along / Smile)
2003 2/2
2004 5/5
Fusaichi Pegasus-a 2000, Smarty Jones je jedini favorit
na kladionici u 25 godina koji je i dobio Kentucky
Derby, a posle Lil E.T. jedino grlo odgojeno u
Pensilvaniji. Poslednji
put debitanti na derbiju su odneli pobedu pre 25
godina.Tada su Grover "Buddy" Delp (trener),
Ronnie Franklin (d�okej) i Spectacular
Bid dobili ne samo Ky Derby, ve� i Preakness.
Ipak, triplu krunu je poslednji put osvojio prethodne
1978. Affirmed.
"We bunched up a bit on the first turn
but things turned out great,"
d�okej Elliott "It was good trip."
Prvih 1.600m vodio je Lion Heart, dok je
poslednjih 400m pripalo nepora�enom Smarty Jones-u koji
sada sa bonusom od $5M (Rebel - ArkansasDerby - KyDerby)
ima ukupnu zaradu od $6,733,000.
Posle Seattle
Slew-a, Smarty Jones (7-7) je jedini nepora�eni pobednik
trke ru�a. To be continued?
1 |
Horse |
Owner |
Trainer |
Jockey |
1 |
Someday Farm |
John Servis |
Stewart Elliott |
2 |
Michael Tabor &
Derrick Smith |
Patrick Biancone |
Mike Smith |
3 |
Taub |
Kristin Mulhall |
Kent Desormeaux |
4 |
Dogwood Stable |
Pletcher |
Jose Santos |
5 |
V. La Penta |
Nick Zito |
Shane Sellers |
6 |
Wayne Hughes |
Richard Mandella |
David Flores |
7 |
Klaravich Stables |
Richard Violette |
Robby Albarado |
8 |
Lou Whitney |
Zito |
Edgar Prado |
9 |
Winchell Thoroughbreds |
Michael Dickinson |
Ramon Dominguez |
10 |
Jon Kelly, Ralls &
Foster, LLC, Brad Scott, Et Al |
Beau Greely |
Victor Espinoza |
11 |
Ernie Paragallo |
Jennifer Pederson |
Norberto Arroyo Jr |
12 |
Georgica Stable |
Bobby Frankel |
Alex Solis |
13 |
James A. Winn |
Holthus |
John McKee |
14 |
Lyons & Greg Knee |
Jeff Mullins |
Jose Valdivia Jr |
15 |
Chester Broman |
John Kimmel |
Richard Migliore |
16 |
Diamond A Racing Corporation |
Richard Mandella |
Pat Day |
17 |
Edgewood Farms |
Pletcher |
John Velazquez |
18 |
Padua Stables
Jay Manoogian |
Steve Asmussen |
Corey Nakatani |
workouts /
vremena na
Master David 1:00.8
Minister Eric 0:50.1
The Cliff's Edge 0:47.5
Read the Footnotes 0:47.6
Lion Heart 0:47.8
800m /Lion Heart proveo 30' na Churchill
Downs i vra�en na Lexington
Rock Hard Ten 0:59.4
/Rock Hard Ten impresivan u treningu, ali jo� nije
kvalifikovan za Derby (22)
The Cliff's Edge 1:01.0
Quinton's Gold Rush 1:01.4
nedelja / te�ka staza
Wimbledon 0:59.4
Friends Lake 1:00.3
Smarty Jones 0:58.0
Birdstone 0:58.4
Louisville, Ky (if you speak)
10 things that can irritate you
Komentari trenera na startna mesta
Trainers dinner
U 28 graded stakes trka ove godine pobedu je odnelo
25 grla, samo tri su dva puta trijumfovala. Od ta tri, dva
startuju u trci ru�a. Ko �e prvi pro�i
kroz cilj na Churchill Downs u subotu? Hmmm...
Wimbledon obrisan zbog otkrivene povrede potkolenice, a
St.Averil povre�enog
kopita. �teta je da su dva grla sa ozbiljnim �ansama
Eddington i Rock Hard Ten izostala iz trke kao 21. i 22.
grlo. Posebno ako se uzme u obzir da je
Jerry Bailey
izabrao da ja�e Eddingtona, pa je kao drugi izbor u
obzir uzeo Wimbledona.
put debitanti na derbiju su odneli pobedu pre 25
godina.Tada su Grover "Buddy" Delp (trener),
Ronnie Franklin (d�okej) i Spectacular
Bid dobili ne samo Ky Derby, ve� i Preakness.
Ipak, triplu krunu je poslednji put osvojio prethodne
1978. Affirmed. U subotu rookie ekipu ima Smarty Jones.
po startnim mestima (od 1900)
st.b. pobednika
---- -------
1 12
1986 (Ferdinand)
2 9
1978 (Affirmed)
3 8
1998 (Real Quiet)
4 10
1977 (Seattle Slew)
5 12
2003 (Funny Cide)
6 7
1993 (Sea Hero)
7 7
1981 (Sea Colony)
8 8
1994 (Go For Gin)
9 4
1972 (Riva Ridge)
10 9
1992 (Lil E. Tee)
11 3
1988 (Winning Colors)
12 3
1971 (Cannonero II)
13 3
1968 (Forward Pass)
14 2
1961 (Carry Back)
15 3
2000 (Fusaichi Pegasus)
16 3
2001 (Monarchos)
17 0
18 1
1982 (Gato Del Sol)
19 0
20 1
1929 (Clyde Van Dusen)
21 0
22 0
23 0
(od 1980)
god. favorit
u cilju
---- --------
2003 Empire Maker
2002 Harlan's Holiday
2001 Point Given
2000 Fusaichi Pegasus
1999 Excellent Meeting
General Challenge
1998 Indian Charlie
1997 Captain Bodgit
1996 Unbridled Song
1995 Serena's Song
1994 Holy Bull
1993 Prairie Bayou
1992 Arazi
1991 Hansel
1990 Mister Frisky
1989 Easy Goer
1988 Private Terms
1987 Demons Begone
1986 Snow Chief
1985 Chief's Crown
1984 Life's Magic
1983 Marfa
1982 Air Forbes Won
1981 Proud Appeal
1980 Rockhill Native
* podjednaki favoriti
"Put a bridle on another dream
and saddle up the wind," stihovi
pesme Shane Sellers-a koji je jedno vreme
karijeru d�okeja zapostavio radi muzike snimiv�i album "Back
to Riding Rainbows" sa 11 pesama. Ipak,
evo njega u sedlu favorita (ako uop�te ima takvog)
The Cliff's Edge (4-1).
Eddington i Rock Hard Ten nisu u�li u 20 i bi�e pisani
za Preakness Stakes 15.maja. Prvi put od
1984 kada je uvedeno ograni�enje
na 20 start ma�ina je puna. Postoji mogu�nost da tako
ne�e ostati ako se ipune upozorenja nekih jaha�a da �e
bojkovati trke ako im se ne dozvoli da na pantalonama
nose reklamne oznake. Churchill Downs poput
Wimbledona(London:) ima strogi kodeks obla�enja.
Dickinson ima prvog startera u 17 godina. To je
gromoglasno najavljivani pobednik "Laurel
Futurity" kupljen za $625,000, potom
usled povrede gotovo otpisani Tapit. Posle dve
pobede kao dvogodac, povredio je obe potkolenice, a
zatim je nai�la i plu�na infekcija.
Ovaj svetli zekan je sve iznenadio odli�nim
tr�anjem u "Wood-u" kada je dobio trku ispred Master
Davida i Eddingtona. Ve�ina trenera trenira grla na
stazi. Ne i Dickinson "The Mad Scientist". Izgradio je
1998. Tapeta Farm na oko 200 jutara zemlje. Tu su tri
travnate staze, jedna peskovita otporna na razli�ite
vremenske uslove, kao i 40 ultra-modernih boksova za
grla u treningu. Otpo�eo je karijeru kao trener u
Steeple Chase, da bi u galop u�ao 1986. kod pokojnog
Sangstera,koji ga je otpustio posle �est meseci.
Poznat je po tome �to je posle dve godine odsustva sa
staze usled povre�ene potkolenice, Da Hoss, pobednik
Breeders' Cup Mile 96 pod njegovim staranjem uz samo
jednu pripremnu trku dobio ponovo Breeders' Cup Mile 98.
Poslednje grlo koje je uz samo 4 prethodna starta dobilo
KyDerby je Exterminator 1918. ``Mi jo� nismo videli
Tapita u najboljem izdanju, tako da ne mo�emo znati
kolike su mu mogu�nosti'' ka�e Dickinson.
Kristin Mulhall(21) ima �anse da postane najmla�i trener
koji je dobio KyDerby. Do danas rekord dr�i James Rowe
Sr (!!!) koji je imao 24 godine kada je 1881. doveo
Hindoo do pobede. Samo je devet �ena do sada sedlalo
grla u trci ru�a; najbli�a pobedi je bila Shelley Riley
1992. kada je Casual Lies bio drugi. Kristin je
trenersku licencu dobila tek pre dve godine. U treningu
ima oko 40 grla od kojih je 14 u vlasni�tvu Steve Taub-a
me�u kojima je i Imperialism. Njen otac Richard je bio
trener u Thoroughbred Corp u vlasni�tvu pokojnog princa
Ahmed bin Salman-a koji je i njen kum, ali nije trenirao
pobednika iz 2002 - War Emblem.
Cliff's Edge (Gulch -
/ Danzig)
800m u ponedeljak) pobednik "Blue
Grass Stakes", koga smo i mi prognozirali (kao i Lion
Heart(2) i Limehouse(3) :). Iako
ve� vi�e od �etvrt veka pobednik ove trke nije dobio
KyDerby, ovoga puta mora se ozbiljno uzeti njegov
nastup. Tek tre�i izbor trenera Nick Zita (Eurosilver -
infekcija i odustajanje, Birdstone - povreda, duga
pauza), izbio je u prvi plan. Pro�le nedelje u radu
na 1.000m. Neumoljiv u zavr�nici trke (punom snagom tr�i
tek poslednje tri osmine distance). Veliki, jak, bez
mnogo oscilacija.
Jones (Elusive Quality - I'll Get Along
/ Smile) je na velika vrata u�ao
zaobilaznim putem. Jedinu zaradu u stakes 3g. trkama je
zabele�io u svom �estom startu pobedom u $1M "Arkansas
Derby-ju". Jedini nepora�eni u�esnik. Ukoliko dobije
Kentucky, sleduje mu bonus od $5M za "Rebel","Arkanas
Deby" i "Kentucky", a ako dobije i "Preakness" i
"Belmont" tu je odavno obe�ani i jo� nedodeljeni VISA
bonus od jo� $5M. Jaha�e ga kao i do sada nepoznati
Stewart Elliott(38) koji je svojih 3000 pobeda sakupio
na manjim hipodromima. No� pre starta u "Arkansas
Derby-ju", Elliott nije mogao da spava i iznajmio je
film"Poslednji samuraj" koji ga je uspavao. Za no� pred
derbi ka�e:"I
probably won't sleep that good,
I'll try to get into a movie or something. Keep my mind
off it. You might have 20 horses; he's got to go a mile
and a quarter. Just try to save him, slow him up a
little; not to get cooked, that's the biggest thing."
Da se pri�a o Pepeljuzi zaokru�i, "Pametnjakovi�" je kao
jarling do�iveo te�ku frakturu lobanje i povredu levog
oka udariv�i u ogradu, tako da se i danas pla�i pri
ulasku u start ma�inu.
Mulhall, trener grla Imperialism, sa 21 godinom je
najmla�i trener koji je imao start u
KyDerby-ju. Tokom jutarnjeg treninga je imao i nezvanu
go��u, kada je Azeri (horse of the year 2002) iza�la na
stazu. "On bolje radi u dru�tvu nego sam" rekla je potom
Kristin Mulhall. Dobio San Felipe Stakes i drugi u Santa
Anita Derby. U sedlu
�e biti Kent Desormeaux.
pobede, penzionisani d�okej Ray York(70) koji je 1954.
sa Determine dobio KyDerby, proslavi�e u Las Vegasu gde
�e sa prijateljima i rodbinom gledati prenos trke. York
je jedini pre�iveli od svih koji su na bilo koji na�in
bili bili povezani sa Determine. Ovo grlo je ina�e prvi
zekan koji je dobio trku ru�a. Malo pitanje: ko je
poslednji zekan koji je dobio Kentucky Derby?
Frankel (0-6) �e poku�ati jo� jednom da dobije trku
ru�a. Pro�le godine je umalo uspeo u tome: Empire
Maker(2), Peace Rules(3). Ovoga puta ime favorita iz
senke je Master David! "I like being in that
position, to be honest with you," trener Master
Davida, Bobby Frankel "You'd always like to have
the best horse in the race, but sometimes it doesn't
work out that way."
Top 30 za Kentucky Derby
- kriterijum za start je zarada u stakes trkama za
trogoda grla -
1. The
Cliff's Edge $793,258
2. Action This Day $780,000
3. Friends Lake $611,000
4. Smarty Jones $600,000
5. Tapit $530,000
6. Castledale $510,000
7. Limehouse $478,405
8. Lion Heart $475,600
9. Read the Footnotes $397,860
10. Wimbledon $375,000
11. Pollard's Vision $366,000
12. Imperialism $363,000
13. Minister Eric $350,000
14. Birdstone $327,000
15. Borrego $320,000
16. Sinister G $302,500
17. Quintons Gold Rush $258,500
18. Value Plus $252,500
19. St Averil $215,200
20. Master David $208,000
21. Preachinatthebar $159,000
22. Saratoga County $156,500
23. Fire Slam $143,000
24. Song of the Sword $132,500
25. Pro Prado $105,685
26. Tricky Taboo $100,000
27. Pomeroy $ 96,250
28. Eddington $ 95,000
29. Rock Hard Ten $ 90,000
30. Mustanfar $ 87,500
31. Skipaslew $ 70,000
Top 10 by Richard
Rosenblatt, AP
1. Master David (Bobby Frankel, trainer; Alex
Solis, jockey) -- Never-give-up colt may be ready for
perfect trip that would give Frankel his first Derby
win. ... Derby future wager odds (pool 3): 12-1.
2. Smarty Jones (John Servis, Stewart Elliott)
-- Pennsylvania-bred horse training at Keeneland before
moving to Churchill Downs early next week. ... Arkansas
Derby winner, 6-for-6, will be 18th undefeated horse to
run in Derby -- four have won. ... Odds: 10-1.
3. The Cliff's Edge (Nick Zito, Shane Sellers)
-- Likely Derby morning-line favorite off impressive
Blue Grass win. ... 2-for-2 at Churchill Downs. ...
Odds: 16-1.
4. Friends Lake (John Kimmel, Richard
Migliore) -- Worked five furlongs in very slow 1:03 at
Payson Park in Florida on Saturday. ... Florida Derby
winner headed to Louisville in next few days. ... Odds:
5. Tapit (Michael Dickinson, Ramon Dominguez)
-- Wood win looking even more impressive as days go by.
... Well-bred gray has overcome sore shins and lung
infection to win three of four career starts. ... Odds:
6. Borrego (Beau Greely, Victor Espinoza) --
Comes into Derby off three runner-up finishes -- to
Smarty Jones (Arkansas Derby), Wimbledon (Louisiana
Derby) and Master David (Sham). ... Odds: 16-1.
7. Imperialism (Kristin Mulhall, Kent
Desormeaux) -- San Rafael winner worked five furlongs in
1:01.20 at Hollywood Park last week. ... Desormeaux
replaces Espinoza. ... Odds 15-1.
8. Read the Footnotes (Rick Violette Jr.,
Jerry Bailey) -- Fountain of Youth winner worked a mile
in 1:40 at Palm Meadows in Florida last week. ... Heads
to Churchill Downs later this week. ... Hasn't raced
since finishing fourth in Florida Derby. Odds:
9. Quintons Gold Rush (Steve Asmussen, Bailey)
-- Asmussen replaced Mike Mitchell before Lexington win.
... Bailey has a choice to make. ... Odds: 76-1.
10. Lion Heart (Patrick Biancone, Mike Smith)
-- Lion Heart was 3-for-3 last year and has two
runner-up finishes this year (in the Blue Grass and San
Rafael). ... Odds: 16-1.
Keep in mind: Birdstone, Eddington, Minister Eric,
Pollard's Vision, Wimbledon.
$325,000 "Lexington Stakes" 1.700m 3g.
1.Quinton's Gold Rush (J.Bailey) 1:43.82
2.Fire Slam (P.Day) 23/4d
3.Song of the Sword (N.Arroyo Jr)
5.DashboardDrummer 6.ElPradoRob
7.SaratogaCounty 8.TotallyPlatinum 9.TigerHeart
10.Gamblin 11.Bride'sBestBoy 12.Suave 13.RaceforGlory
Dubl po redu
41.9 / bez reda
Triling po redu 142.7
Hipo Kare po redu 942.4
Pred rekordnih 31,028 gledalaca,
Quinton's Gold Rush je obezbedio mesto me�u
20 za KyDerby 1.maja. Ovo mu je druga pobeda u pet
startova i prva od kako je u treningu kod Steve
Pred Kentucky Derby...
su prilike da �e biti puna start ma�ina
za trku ru�a. U tom slu�aju �e statovati prvih 20 po
zaradi u trogoda�koj sezoni. Poslednji put to se
dogodilo 2002 (usled kasnog brisanja startovalo je 18),
a pre toga jo� 1994. Mo�da kao nikada do sada nema tako
jasnih favorita, veliki broj grla ima realnih �ansi.
The Cliff's Edge je i pored 14 du�ina zaostatka u fini�u
dobio "Blue Grass" i to solidnim vremenom(24.6 / 12.4) u
poslednjih 600m. Kent Desormeaux �e jahati Imperialism.
Victor Espinoza sa Imperialism prelazi u sedlo Borrego
za derbi. Read the Footnotes ima veliku pauzu. Smarty
Jones je sme�ten na Lexington-u umesto na Churchill
Downs zbog buke usled radova na rekonstrukciji tribina;
pobedu u "Arkansas Derby" je priveo kraju odli�nim
vremenom(12.6) u poslednjih 200m po toga dana o�ajno
sporoj stazi. Tre�eplasirani u istoj trci, Pro Prado,
bi�e ne�e biti zvezda 1.maja pre trke, a imao je odli�na
vremena po frakcijama (22.6,24.2,24.8,25.2
i 12.6).
Wimbledon i Preachatthebar menjaju jaha�a,
Baffert nezadovoljan �injenicom da Javier Santiago ima
poslednja dva poraza sa njima. Ovaj drugi ima �ansi da
u�e me�u 20 jer se o�ekuje da �e Value Plus i St.Averil
biti pisani za neku drugu trku na dan derbija. Quinton's
Gold Rush je dobio Lexington samo dve nedelje pred
derbi i samo dve nedelje posle Santa Anita Derby-ja, te �e
imati tri te�ke trke u �etiri nedelje. Tapit po re�ima
vlasnika je mnogo vredniji zdrav nego da tr�i ukoliko se
odista nije oporavio, uprkos trijumfu u "Wood Memorial"
(�to svakako pozdravljamo). Omaleni Master David je
�vrst u fini�u, bez obzira je li u pitanju veliki alati
Borrego ili jo� ve�i alati Eddington; oba puta se
iznutra provukao pored nih i bio bolji, a njegov niz
drugih mesta prati �ablon velikih derbi pobednika (Funny
Cide, Monarchos, Real Quiet, Silver Charm, Grindstone,
Go for Gin). Ukoliko Eddington ne u�e u derbi, koliko �e
biti velikih tih par centimetara zaostatka u cilju iza
Master Davida ("Wood" Tapit-Master-Eddington u pola
du�ine)? Lion Heart je izgubio poslednje dve trke za
vrat u poslednjim metrima na 1.800m, ima li �ansi u
duga�kom pravcu Churchill Downs-a na 2.000m? Toliko jo�
pitanja, ali odgovora nema...