Jean Derench is an avid USA racegoer. It is our pleaseure and honor to have Jean with us.
2024 TRIPLE CROWN – Da počnemo...
Vratila sam se. Hvala Vladi što mi je pružio priliku da Vas još jednom vodim putem američke triple krune. Nekoliko novina već imamo - nagradni fond derbija se popeo na pet miliona dolara, Belmont Stakes će se trčati na hipodromu Saratoga, a Baffert je i dalje van derbija, čak je i jedan mogući derbista već pokojan.
Već je istrčano nekoliko stakes trka sa mogućim derbistima. Počnimo sa Jerome Stakes (06.01) na hipodromu Aqueduct. Iz dva razloga nisam naročito oduševljena pobednikom. Kada je Easy Goer postavio rekord staze na milju još 1989, vreme je bilo 1:32,40. Pobednik ove godine je istrčao 1:41,91. Veeelika razlika. Još 2000-ih Jerome Stake je kalendarski bila sjeseni i trčala se na Belmontu. Među pobednicima su bili da pomenemo tek neke: Fusaichi Pegasus, Discreet Cat. Potom je pomerena u april, a sada je gledamo u januaru. Prošlogodišnjem pobedniku, Lugan Knight je u pitanju, bila je to i jedina pobeda, a do kraja godine je završio i sa trčanjem. Ove godine, trku je dobio DRUM ROLL PLEASE. Drugi razlog, sada se setih da sam navela dva zbog kojih nisam oduševljena pobednikom, je da čitajući detaljno tok trke, kao da čitam izveštaj trke slupanih automobila: "pojačao tempo, pa zaostao", "zamor u finišu", "spotakao se, izgubo snagu" i "spotakao se, udario u drugo grlo".
Pobednik je poslednji napustio start mašinu i nakon što se sudario na startu, rčao široko, četvrtom "špurom". Sredinom trke se sabrao, izbio na čelo i do cilja se odvojio 3 ¾ dužine, u sedlu je bio Javier Castellano, trener Brad Cox. Ovo mu je druga pobeda u pet startova. Prvu pobedu upisao je u oktobru u svom trećem startu, na milju na hipodromu Aqueduct. Potom je pisan u Remsen Stakes gde je stigao drugi, pobednik je bio Dornoch. Prve subote februara trči se Whiters stakes na 1800m i ukoliko ovaj ždrebac ostane u Njujorku, videćemo ga u trci. Ukoliko opravda poverenje, moguća meta mu je Wood Memorial. Pedigre - otac mu je Hard Spun.
Hard Spun je poražen u derbiju nakon što je bio na čelu tiokom većeg dela trka, pobednik je bio Street Sense. Ali do kraja te 2007. stvari će doći na svoje mesto u pobedi na politraku hipodrom a Turfway Park u trci Kentucky Cup Classic. Hard Spun je bio dovoljno žilav da istrči sve tri trke triple krune i bude plasiran, treći u Preakness Stakes i četvrti u Belmont Stakes. Kao pastuv, dao je pobednike većih trka širom sveta, uključujući Japan, Australiju, Hong Kong, Južnoafričku Republiku, Emirate, Venecuelu i Dansku. U SAD bar devet njegovih potomaka je zaradilo preko milion dolara. Verovatno se sećate grla Two Phil iz prošlogodišnjeg derbija. I on je popu svog oca izgubio derbi nakon velike borbe. Zatim je dobio Ohio Derby na 1800m što je bila i njegova poslednja trka u kojoj se povredio i završio sa trkama. Wicked Strong je još jedan sin Hard Spun-a koji se dobro pokazao u derbiju; četvrti pošto je prethodno dobio Wood Memorial na 1800m. Ukoliko se pitate da li Hard Spun mpže dati pobednike na dužim distancama, imajte na umu da je Silver State dobio Oaklawn Handicap 1800m, Hard Aces Gold Cup na Santa Aniti na 2000m kao i dve Gr-3 trke na 2400m. Hard Not To Like (CAN) bolji na travi, pobeda na 1800m. A Thread Of Blue takođe na travi pobeda na 1900m. Hard Spun je dao i Breeders Cup pobednike: Aloha u BC Sprint i Spun To Run BC Mile.Dakle, sa očeve strane Drum Roll Please ima pedigre za primer.
Imply, majka Drum Roll Please, nije bila loša kao trkač, u 30 startova zarada od $772,728. Većinu od svojih seda mstakes pobeda upisala je je u trkama za lokalni odgoj (ona je Pennsylvania odgoj, kao i Drum Roll Please i Hard Spun). Dobila je na distancama od 1200m do 1700m. njen otac, E Dubai je kao grup pobednik slavio na distancama 1700m do 2000m. E Dubai je dao i Breeders' Cup Classic pobednika - Fort Larned.
Na slici pogledajte čuveni finiš pokazalo se dva uzastopna BC Classic pobednika: Fort Larned (2012) i Mucho Macho Man (2013). Fotograf za bgturf.com je i tom prilikom bio fenomenalni Mike Sekulic.
San Vincente Stakes (Gr-2) se takođe trčao istog dana u januaru (06.01). Pobednik je u treningu kod cenjenog Bafferta, a očajnog imena MUTH. To je učinio kao favorit, preuzevši čelo na uslasku u ciljni pravac i prednošću u cilju od 2 ¾ dužine., being ridden out at the wire. U sedlu je bio Juan Hernandez, a drugoplasirani je takođe iz Baffertove štale, Pilot Commander, koji je bio ispred trećeplasiranog Slider-a.
Juan Hernandez je prethodno jahao Pilot Commander-a u njegovoj prvoj pobedi, ali se potom opredelio za Muth u trci San Vincente, što je očigledo bio pravilan izbor. Muth je dobio ime po prijatelju Boba Bafferta, Aaron Muth-u. Napomenimo da je Bob Baffert dobio ovu trku po trinaesti put. Pitam se šta je u pitanju da kada je najvažnije, kada su najveće nagrade u pitanju, ostali treneri prosto prepuste Baffertu ćup zlata. šta god da je, posvetimo se sada pedigreu grla Muths.
Vidimo Good Magic x Hoppa / Uncle Mo. Good Magic, sin Curlin-a, pobednik Haskell Invitational kao i Breeders' Cup Juvenile, drugo mesto Kentucky Derby (pobednik Justify). Mnogo se od njega očekivalo nakon što je za milion dolara prodat na Keeneland aukciji, a mnogo toga mu se i dogodilo. Karijeru pastuva otvorio je već prvom geberacijom, Kentucky Derby pobeda grla Mage. Nije loše. Ostali pobednici koji su ostavili utisak su mu Blazing Sevens Gr-1 pobednik, How Did He Do Thatdual pobednik derbija Oklahoma i Iowa; Reincarnate pobednik Los Alamitos Derby, kao i prethodno pomennuti pobednik Remsen Stakes, Dornoch. Po očevoj strani, pedigre je cakum pakum!
Majka, Hoppa, istrčaa trke pre povlačenja u priplod. Jedina pobeda na 1200m na Churchill Downs. Njen otac Uncle Mo bio je neverovatno daroviti majler (ima stake pobedu i na 1700m). Takođe se potvrdio i kao pastuv. Među njegovim potomcima su i Kentucky Derby pobednik Nyquist, Belmont Stakes pobednik Mo Donegal, dvostruki Breeders Cup Sprint pobednik Golden Pal, Pacific Classic pobednik Arabian Knight, Ohio Horse of the Year (pobednik na 10 furlonga) Mo Don't No; Hollywood Derby pobednik (trava) Mo Forza; Monmouth Oaks pobednica Unbridled Mo; grup pobednica na 1800m (7 pobeda u 14 startova) Adare Manor; gr-2 pobednik Laoban; Wood Memorial pobednik Outwork and prošlogodipnji derbi prospekt Kingsbarns, koji je dobio Louisiana Derby. Tako, da ako distanca i manjka kod majke, tu je linija majčinog oca da popuni. Muth je prvo ždrebe kobile Hoppa i doneo je dva miliona dolara u aukcijskom ringu kao jarling, kada ga je kupio Donato Lanni.
Skočimo sada do Turfway Parka na drugu trogodačku trku koja se trčala 6.januara, Turfway Preview Stakes. William Morley je sedlao pobednika, favorita, VOTE NO koji je porazio preostala četiri grla 4 prednošću od 5 ¼ dužina na 1300m na all weather stazi. Biće interesantno gde će biti njegov sledeći start. Vote No je od pastuva Divisidero, sin Kitten's Joy, koji je najbolje trčao na travi, sa nekoliko grup pobeda na 1800m. Kao pastuv dao je tek četiri pobednika do danas i Vote No je njegov jedini stakes pobednik. Majka je Sistas Ready (od More Than Ready) koja ima jednu pobedu u 14 startova i to na milju. Dala je dva ždrebeta pre nego je 2022 na aukciji prodata u Južnu Koreju. Njen otac, More Than Ready, bio je solidan sprinter, a kao pastuv mnogo bojli. Daleko populariji na Južnoj hemisferi nego u SAD. Dao je Queensland Derby pobednika Eagle Way (AUS), Hong Kong stakes plasiranog (na 12 furlonga) Renaissance Art; Prix De Guiche pobednik Dalwari; New Zealand Oaks pobednica More Than Sacred; Hollywood Turf Cup pobednik Say The Word; Travers pobednik Catholic Boy; Wood Memorial i Haskell pobednik Verrazano i još mnoge.
Vote No je kastrat, trener je William Morey a u trci Turfway Prevue, jahao je Gerardo Corrales.
Sledi nam vikend sa tri trogodačke stakes trke. Riley Allison Derby, Sunland Park u kojoj trener Steve Asmussen ima favorita, grlo Ohio odgoja, Crafted. Subota je dan za Le Comte na Fair Grounds, a Steve ima još jednog favorita, grlo Track Phantom čiji se okršaj sa Nash, adutom trenera Brad Cox-a očekuje sa nestrpljenjem. Tu je i jedna trk asaom za grla NY odgoja, Rego Park Stakes na hipodromu Aqueductali je dan otkazan usled ledenog vremena.
Kao uvod, započela sam ovogodišnji serijal o triploj kruni prilogom o starterima derbija prošle godine, gde su sada. Nadam se da Vam prija čitanje mojih redova.

Jean Derench is an avid USA racegoer. It is our pleaseure and honor to have Jean with us.
I am back again! Many thanks to Vlad for offering me this space again to keep you all up to speed on what's happening as we head down the road to the Triple Crown races. Several things have happened already – the Derby purse has been upped to 5 million dollars, the Belmont will be run at Saratoga this year, Baffert is still out of the Derby and a possible contender has died.
There have been a few three year old stake races run already this year and since it is that time, these become possible Derby trail horses. So, let's start off with the January 6th Jerome Stakes which was run at Aqueduct. Two things about this race cause me not to be overly excited about the winner. The first, when Easy Goer set the track record for a mile at Aqueduct back in 1989, he did it in 1:32:40. Time for this year's renewal was 1:41:91. Big difference. The Jerome Stakes used to be on the fall calendar back in the 2000s (winners then included Fusaichi Pegasus, Discrett Cat & it was run at Belmont Park) then it was moved to April and now it's settled in to January's program. Winner last year was Lugan Knight and it was the last time he ever won a race and he was through with racing by year's end. This year the renewal was won by the favored DRUM ROLL PLEASE. The second thing about this race (remember, I said there were two things that caused me not to be overly excited about the winner) was that if you read the charts for the other four that contested the race, it sounds like you are reading about a smash-up car rally. The comments were “chased, faultered”, “tired”, “stumbled, tired” and “stumbled, ran on”.
The winner roke last and raced 4 wide after being bumped at the start, took command mid waya thru the stretch and pulled away to win by 3 ¾ lengths with Javier Castellano in the saddle. He is trained by Brad Cox and was winning his second of 5 races in his young career. He broke his maiden at Aqueduct in his third start in October when he won at a mile and then he was entered in the Remsen Stakes and he finished second to Dornoch. The Withers Stakes at 9 furlongs is on the first Saturday in February and we may see if this colt is one to watch if he stays in New York for the winter possibly aiming for the Wood Memorial. Pedigree – his sire is Hard Spun.
Hard Spun was defeated by Street Sense in the Kentucky Derby after leading most of the way in 2007 but before the end of the year, he would turn the tables on that one by winning the Kentucky Cup Classic at Turfway on an all-weather track. Hard Spun was tenacious enough to run in all three of the Triple Crown events that year, finishing 3rd in the Preakness and 4th in the Belmont. As a sire, he has had major winners all around the world including Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, UAE, Venezuela, Denmark and in the US has sired at least 9 millionaires. You might remember Two Phil's from last year's Kentucky Derby who appeared to be the winner (much like his sire) but ended up a hard fought second. He then went on to win the 9 furlong Ohio Derby in what would be his last start as he was injured during the race and promptly retired. Another son of Hard Spun did well in the Derby when he was 4th after winning the 9 furlong Wood Memorial and that would be Wicked Strong. If you question his ability to get distance runners, keep in mind Silver State won the 9 furlong Oaklawn Handicap; Hard Aces won the 10 furlong Gold Cup at Santa Anita and two 12 furlong Grade 3 events; Hard Not To Like (Can) won at 9 furlongs (preferring turf) and A Thread of Blue won at 9.5f furlongs (also preferred turf). He also sired Breeders Cup Sprint winner Aloha West and Breeders Cup Mile winner Spun To Run. The pedigree is there on the sire's side.
The dam of Drum Roll Please is Imply who was not too shabby as a racehorse, winning $772,728 in 30 starts. Most of her 7 stake race wins were in state-bred company (she is a Pennsylvania-bred, as is Drum Roll Please and Hard Spun). She won at distances from 6-8.5 furlongs. Her sire is E Dubai who was a G2SW who won stakes at distances of 8.5f to 10 furlongs. E Dubai is the sire of Breeders Cup Classic winner Fort Larned.
The Grade 2 San Vincente Stakes was run on January 6th as well and the winner was the highly regarded Bob Baffert trained and awfully-named MUTH. He did as a favorite should taking command at the head of the stretch and wining by 2 ¾ lengths, being ridden out at the wire. He was ridden by Juan Hernandez and defeated another Baffert runner, Pilot Commander which finished ahead of Slider.
Juan Hernandez had ridden Pilot Commander when that one broke his maiden but opted to ride Muth in the San Vincente and it was a good choice apparently. (Muth is named for a friend of Bafferts, Aaron Muth.) By the way, it was the thirteenth time Baffert has won this particular race. Why is it that when these big money races, all the other trainers stay in the barn leaving the pot for the Baffert horses? Anyway, let's look at his pedigree – not Bafferts, but Muths.
He is Good Magic x Hoppa by Uncle Mo. Good Magic, a son of Curlin, won the Haskell Invitational as well as the Breeders Cup Juvenile and was second in the Kentucky Derby (to Justify). Alot was expected of him after he was bought for a million dollars at Keeneland and a lot has happened for him. After his racing career, he headed off to stud and in his first crop begot Kentucky Derby winner Mage. Not too shabby. Other impressive winners for this young stallion are Blazing Sevens, a Grade 1 winner; How Did He Do That, which won both the Oklahoma and Iowa Derbies; Grade 3 winner Blazing Sevens, Los Alamitos Derby winner Reincarnate and previously mentioned Remsen winner Dornoch. Sire side of this pedigree – AOK!
The dam, Hoppa, had a 3-race career before she headed to a life of a broodmare. Her only win came at 6 furlongs and that was at Churchill Downs. Broodmare sire Uncle Mo was an incredibly gifted miler (he did win a stake at 8.5furlongs) and has been a sensation as a stallion as well. Some of his get include Kentucky Derby winner Nyquist, Belmont winner Mo Donegal, two time Breeders Cup Sprint winner Golden Pal, Pacific Classic winner Arabian Knight, Ohio Horse of the Year (winning at 10 furlongs) Mo Don't No; Hollywood Derby winner (turf) Mo Forza; Monmouth Oaks winner Unbridled Mo; G1SW at 9 furlongs Adare Manor; G2SW Laoban; Wood Memorial winner Outwork and last year's Derby hopeful, Kingsbarns, which won the Louisiana Derby. So what the dam lacked in stamina, perhaps it can be recouped by the broodmare sire. Muth is the first foal for Hoppa and he brought 2 million dollars when he was sold as a yearling to Donato Lanni.
Let me travel to Turfway Park for another three year old stake that was run on January 6th and that would be the Turfway Preview Stakes. William Morley saddled the winner, the favorite, VOTE NO which defeated 4 others by 5 ¼ lengths at 6.5 furlongs on an all weather course. Be interesting to see where they go with this one. Vote No is by Divisidero, a Kitten's Joy son, which did his best running on turf, winning several grades stakes at 9 furlongs. He has sired only 4 winners to date and Vote No is his only stakes winner. The dam is Sistas Ready (by More Than Ready) who won once in 14 starts (at a mile). She had 2 foals before she headed for the sales ring and in 2022 was sent to South Korea. The broodmare sire, More Than Ready, was a solid sprinter but who could get any kind when it came to his career as a stallion. More popular down under than in the States, he was the sire of Queensland Derby winner Eagle Way (Aus), Hong Kong stakes placed (at 12 furlongs) Renaissance Art; Prix De Guiche winner Dalwari; New Zealand Oaks winner More Than Sacred; Hollywood Turf Cup winner Say The Word; Travers winner Catholic Boy; Wood Memorial and Haskell winner Verrazano and so many more.
Vote No is a gelding and is trained by William Morey and for the Turfway Prevue, Gerardo Corrales was in the saddle.
This weekend there are three three-year-old stake races. They are the Riley Allison Derby at Sunland Park in which Steve Asmussen will saddle the favorite, Ohio-bred Crafted. On Saturday, it's the Le Comte at Fair Grounds and Steve has another favorite, that being Track Phantom who will duke it out with Brad Cox' Nash and then there was the restricted (New York breds) Rego Park Stakes at Aqueduct but the day's program has been cancelled due to the weather-it's supposed to be zero degrees.
With Vlad's approval, I'd like to add sort of an addendum to this column and that is a “where are they now?” type of thing. Where are the horses that ran in last year's Kentucky Derby? Hope you enjoy this update...
Jean Derench for BGTURF.COM
